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- закріпити вміння описувати погоду взимку, розповідаючи про зимові розваги;
- систематизувати та розширити знання учнів про святкування Різдва у Британії;
- розвивати фонематичний слух, креативне мислення, творчі здібності учнів, вміння логічно висловлювати власну думку, збагачувати активний словничок учнів;
- формувати вміння орієнтуватися в потоці різноманітної інформації, виділяючи основне;
- розвивати комунікативні навички дітей, розширюючи знання учнів про культурні традиції країни, мова якої вивчається;
- виховувати повагу до традицій іншої країни, прагнення до здобуття нових знань та розширення світогляду.

Обладнання: ялинка, камін, різдвяний вінок, новорічні прикраси, сніжинки, сніговики, мішок з подарунками, записи пісень, презентації, картки.

Хід уроку
I. Introduction
1. Greeting
- Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Good morning, dear friends and guests!
- We are glad to see you today at our party.
Today we are going to speak about the greatest wonderful and exciting holiday loved by children for the presents, bright tree and fun. Hope you will enjoy our lesson and be friendly to each other.
Today’s day, a happy day.
We are glad and very gay
We all ready work and play.
Welcome, welcome holiday.
So, we are going to speak about Christmas.
Christmas is - a season when you have fun on the snow.
• a day when Christ was born.
• a time when you can sing carols.
• a time when you get presents.

2. Poems about Christmas
Now, let’s listen the poems about Christmas:

It’s winter! It’s winter!
Let us skate and ski.
It’s winter! It’s winter!
It’s great fun for me.

This is the season when mornings are dark
and birds do not sing in the forests and parks.

This is the season when children ski
and Father Frost brings the New Year tree.

The snow is falling.
The wind is blowing.
The ground is white
All day and all night.

Merry, merry Christmas
Is likely to come
Merry, merry Christmas
You are welcome.

Snow in the window,
Much confetti,
Bright- blue, red and yellow
Lights on the tree.

Smilling eyes and faces,
Sweet music in the hall.
I think someone places,
Happiness here for all.

Merry, merry Christmas
Is likely to come
Merry, Merry Christmas
You are welcome.

II. Main part
1. Presentation "Christmas”

2. Speaking – game "Snowflakes”
- Try to guess what’s this?
It is a cold and white
It falls in winter, you know
It is on the houses and trees
It is … (snow- snowflakes)
-Look at our window. These snowflakes are wonderful and cold and they are with numbers. Let’s do some sums.
Play 1 and 2 rows. Who will be the first - answer the questions:
Let’s count!


1. In what season we celebrate Christmas?- in winter
2. What games children like to play in winter?- they play snowballs, make a snowman, ski, skate and sledge.
3. When do we celebrate Christmas in Great Britain and in Ukraine? – we celebrate Christmas in Britain in December and in Ukraine - in January
4. What do children decorate with balls, stars and candles?- Christmas tree.
5. How do children decorate the Christmas tree?- balls, flags, lights, candles…
6. What do we find under the New Year tree? - presents
7. Who brings a lot of presents and comes at night? – Santa Claus
8. What Christmas symbols do you know? – Star, stockings…

3. Speaking task- "Christmas stocking”- предмети в панчосі
( children take the paper and say what do they know about these symbols- дитина витягує перетягнутий лентою лист паперу та розповідає, що знає про ці символи)
It is usually hung on the door of a house. Many centuries ago the wreaths were presented as gifts on Christmas. – Christmas wreaths

A bright star appeared in the sky when Jesus was born. The star showed the way to the place of his birth. – Christmas star

Candles at Christmas go back to old times. People believed that their light helped him to forget the darkness of winter- Candles

People send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends. - Postcards

For Christmas people eat traditional food: turkey, potatoes and green vegetables. Then they have the Christmas pudding. At 5 o’clock it’s time for tea and for Christmas cake. – Christmas food

People usually buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and little coloured lights. – Christmas tree

At night Santa Claus comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children. He puts the presents into the children’s stockings. – Santa Claus

On Christmas Eve when children go to bed, they put their X-mas stockings for gifts over the fire-place. - Presents

4. Song "Jingle bells’’
Christmas, Christmas!
Funny day!
Let us sing
and let us play!

Dashing through the snow
In a one–horse open sleigh
O’er the hills we go
Laughing all the way!
Bells on bobtail ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to run and sing
A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way!
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one–horse open sleigh!
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way!
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one–horse open sleigh!

5. Game rhyming words- "Snowmen”
- Children like to play some games. What we can do in winter. Try to guess who is this?
It is cold and white.
It has a head, two hands,
Two eyes and a carrot nose.
It is … (snowman).
- Look though the window. There are some snowballs who like to play with words. Let’s make the snowmen using the rhyme words. Complete the sentences with these words.
Words: game, house, rose, clock, snow
name, mouse, nose, block, know

6. Relaxation "If you happy and you know”

7. Game "Letter to Santa”
a) Santa
- Listen and say who this is:
Who has a white beard, red clothes, flying in the sky and comes at night. He puts something under our beds. – Father Frost= Santa Claus
If you were very good child he brings you presents but if not – only coil.
But for the first you must write the letter to Santa. Your letter you must put into chimney and Santa Claus read the smoke of it
b) Reading the "Letter to Santa”- project work
c) Speaking about Santa’s working day
- What he is doing at this moment? –look and say it.
d) Secret winter message "Santa is coming to town”
e) Scene "Santa at work”
- Лунає мелодія «Let it snow”or "Santa is coming to town”
та заходить танцюючи Санта Клаус
-Ho-ho-ho! I’m Santa Claus. What a beautiful place! Oh, what’s this?
Some biscuits and milk for me. Yummy! And a carrot for my reindeer!
These presents are for you, my dear. Presents…. (put ball and teddy-bear) (лунають шаги по лестнице- скриплять сходи - санта лякається та тікає)
O, it’s time! Somebody is coming…

8. Game "Santa’s bag”
-Look Santa, so hurry up, so he left his Christmas bag. Let’s see what is there. Here we can see the list of good children and there are some presents.
Let’s see what presents will get these children.

Max is seven. He likes playing football and he likes listening to music and plays some music instruments. His presents are-a ball and a drum

Ann is ten. She likes playing with her friends. She likes dancing and making some pictures with small pieces of paper. Her presents are- a dress and puzzles.

Peter is four. He likes riding a bike with his friends and drawing nice pictures so his presents are- a bike and felt-tips-pens.

9. Відео - презентація «What are you wishing for Merry Christmas”
- What is Christmas for you?
- What do you want for Christmas?
- What do you want for Christmas dinner?

10. Game "Christmas tree”
- We all help Santa Claus to give all the children their presents. But there we can put them in the house?
- Under the Christmas tree.
- Look there is a Christmas in the room. But it’s not bright.
Let’s decorate it with ball, flags and lights. For the first let’s write some warm words for our guests and for each other.
- I wish you…. (happiness, love, joy, fun, good marks, friends, good holidays, be healthy, be vise, be wealthy, hope and love)

11. Song "We wish a Merry Christmas”

III. Summarizing

Категорія: Класні виховні заходи | Додав: neruni (10.03.2013) | Автор: РУСЛАНА НЕЧИПОРЕНКО E
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