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Mother Hubbard and Her Household

Mother Hubbard and Her Household


Сценарий праздника на английском языке

Действующие лица:

1. Ведущий 1
3. Mother Hubbard
4. The cat - Pussy
5. The dog - Blue Bell
6. Bo-Peep
7. Billy
8. JackHorner
9. Miss Muffet
10. The Spider

Act 1

Ведущий 1

There was an old woman whose name was Mother Hubbard. She had 4 children, a cat and a dog.
They all lived in a house that looked like a shoe.
So, there is a poem about her.

Ведущий 2

There was an old woman
Who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children,
She didn’t know what to do.

Mother Hubbard

I really don’t know what to do.
But I have my Pussy Cat and I have a little dog.

Mother Hubbard

I have a little dog,
And his name is Blue Bell,
I gave him some work
And he did it very well.

Mother Hubbard

I love little pussy
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don’t hurt her
She’ll do me no harm.
So I’ll not pull her tail,
Nor drive her away,
But pussy and I
Very gently will play.

Ведущий 1

Pussy cat sits beside the fire
So pretty and so fare.
In walks the little dog.

The Dog

Ah, Pussy, are you there?
How do you do, Mistress Pussy?
Mistress Pussy, how do you do?

The Cat

I thank you kindly, little dog,
I’m very well, just like you.

Звучит мелодия песни «Two Fat Gentlemen» (сборник «Sing and Learn» стр. 14).

The Cat and the Dog

Two little animals met in a lane
Bowed most politely,
Bowed once again.
How do you do?
How do you do?
How do you do again?

Act II

Звучит песня «Hickory, dickory, dock» (сборник “Sing and Learn” стр. 6). Поют все учащиеся, выполняя движения в такт маятника.

Hickory, dickory dock
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock.
Bim-bom, bim-bom.

Mother Hubbard

It’s six o’clock in the evening, but my children are not at home. They are late for dinner again.

Появляются дети с шумом, перебивают друг друга.

I’ll be the first!
No, it’ll be me!
It’s my turn now!
Спорят, кто лучше)

The girls

What are little boys made of, made of?
What are little boys made of?

The boys

Frogs and snails
And puppy-dogs’ tails,
That’s what little boys are made of.

The boys

What are little girls made of, made of?
What are little girls made of?

The girls

Sugar and spice And all things nice,
That’s what little girls are made of.

Mother Hubbard

Hush, little children!
Stop that! Listen to me!
Come when you’re called,
Do as you’re bid,
Shut the door after you,
Never be chid
Be always on time,
Too late is a crime.

Дети повторяют:

Be always on time, Too late is a crime.

Mother Hubbard

Sit down. Sit straight!
Tell me, please, where you were and
what you did. Let’s start with you,

(Bo-Peep - плачет.)

Mother Hubbard

What’s the matter with you?

Jack (дразнит ее)

Bo-Peep has lost her sheep.


Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep,
And can’t tell where to find them.

Mother Hubbard

Leave them alone.


And they’ll come home,
Wagging their tails behind them?

Mother Hubbard

And you Jacky?

Jack Horner

Little Jack Horner
Sat in the corner,
Eating his Christmas pie.
He put in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum
And said: «What a good boy am I».

Mother Hubbard

A good boy!
All right. And you, Miss Muffet?

Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet sat
On a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey.


Along came a spider,
Who sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away.
(Miss Muffet
убегает, испугавшись паука.)


Miss Muffet. Why are you going away? I didn’t want to frighten you.Come to me.

(Miss Muffet возвращается и они вместе исполняют танец.)

Mother Hubbard

And you, Billy, what will you say?

Billy (поет)

One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.

(Сборник “Sing and Learn” стр. 32)

Mother Hubbard

Why did you let it go?


Because it bit my finger so.

Mother Hubbard

Which finger did it bite?


This little finger on the right.

Mother Hubbard (дует на пальчик)

Is it better now?


Yes, Mum, thank you.

Mother Hubbard

Well, I see. You all had a good time but now it’s time to have dinner. Sit down at the table.
Here are the knives and forks,
Here is the table.
Sit down. Be quick!

Ведущий II

Mother Hubbard went to her cupboard to fetch her homemade bread. The bread wasn’t there. Mother Hubbard asked everywhere, «Who took my homemade bread?»

«Not I», said her kitten. «I’ve been looking for my mitten»
«Not I», said Bo-Peep. «I’ve been looking for my sheep»
«Not I», said Billy. «I’ve been catching a fish»
«Not I», said Miss Muffet. «I’ve been sitting on my tuffet»
«Not I», said Jack Horner. «I’ve been sitting in a corner».

Ведущий II

The little dog said,

The Dog

I took your bread to the Mother Gooseland Fair.
It was the winner.
Old King Cole ate it for dinner.
He called it the best bread there.

(Вручает призголубую ленту)

Ведущий I

Mother Hubbard proudly went to her cupboard and hung her blue ribbon there.

Ведущий II

She gave them some broth
Without any bread.

Mother Hubbard

«No bread, my dear».

Ведущий I

And ... spanked them all soundly
And sent them ... to bed.

Mother Hubbard

«To bed!» Go to bed first,

A golden purse;
Go to bed second
A golden pheasant;
Go to bed third
A golden bird;
Go to bed late,
Stay very small;
Go to bed early,
Grow very tall.

The children (исполняют песню “Mulberry Bush”, сборник “Sing and Learn”, стр. 16 )

This is the way we clean out teeth,
Clean our teeth, clean our teeth
At eight o’clock in the evening
This is the way we go to bed,
Go to bed, go to bed
At nine o’clock in the evening.

Mother Hubbard

Hush, little babies. Don’t say a word.

Все поют песню «Hush, Little Baby». (Сборник «Sing and Learn English» p.48-49)

Hush, little baby, don’t say a word,
Papa’s gonna buy you a mocking bird.
If that mocking bird don’t sing,
Papa’s gonna buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns brass,
Papa’s gonna buy you a looking glass.
If that looking glass should crack,
Papa’s gonna buy you a jumping jack.
If that jumping jack won’t hop,
Papa’s gonna buy you a lollipop.
When that lollipop is gone,
Papa’s gonna buy you a real live pup.
If that real live pup won’t bark,
Papa’s gonna buy you a horse and a cart.
If that horse and cart fall down,
You’ll still be the sweetest baby in town.

Mother Hubbard

«You are the sweetest babies in town».

The end


1. Сборник «Sing and Learn English». Составитель: Г. Минина. Издательство КомТех, 1998г.

2. «Mother Goose Rhymes». Moscow Raduga Publishers, 1988 г.

 Решетникова О.И.


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