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Будинок. Квартира. “Welcome to the Winter House”. (Продовження)

3.4. Physical Warming up

-  Now, stand up, please.

 Let’s warm up a little!


-  Look at the ceiling

Look at the floor

Look at the window

Look at the door

Once more!

-  Look at the ceiling

Look at the floor

Look at the window

Look at the door

Hands up

Hands down

Hands on hips

Bend left, bend right,

Turn yourself around

And sit down!


3.5. Writing

-      Well, as you see, there is a kitchen in the winter house. But the kitchen is empty. There is no furniture in it. Let’s help our winter princess. Imagine – you are the managers of the shops "Kitchen Land”. Make her kitchen good and propose the services of your shops.

-      We have to work in groups of 4. Each group has got the blanks. Use them and write the advertisement of your shop. And one manager of each group will present the advertisement.

(Учні заповнюють бланки-рекламу магазину «Світ кухні». Один учень від  групи презентує рекламу.)


Come to Kitchen Land!

We have everything you need for your kitchen,

From …………s  and …………….s,

To ……………s and ……………..s.

Are you looking for a new …………?

Your old ……………. doesn’t work?

Don’t worry!

Come to Kitchen Land today!

We have everything you need!


            3.6.    Listening

Now I propose you to guess the riddles about the Winter House.

1)  You can have a rest, watch TV, read books there. What room is this?

( living-room)

2)  You can sleep, do your home tasks, work with computer there. What room is this?

( bed-room)

3)  You can wash your hands, your face, clean your teeth, take a shower there. What room is this?

( bath-room)

4)  You can keep your shoes, your warm clothes, you can meet guests there. What room is this?

( hall)

5)  You can have your breakfast, dinner, supper there. You can cook meals in this room. What room is this?

( kitchen)

6)  Winter Princess has got a large bed in this room. What is this?


7)  There is a brown door, a big mirror and a wardrobe there. What room is this?



             3.7.    Reading

-      Open your text books. Page 74-75. Exercise 2 and 3.  Let’s read an interesting story about the Parker’s flat and   agree or disagree with the sentences after the text.

( Учні мовчки читають текст. Потім один учень зачитує вголос твердження. Якщо речення відповідає змісту тексту, діти піднімають знак «+», якщо речення неправильне – піднімають знак «-».)

-      ….read the sentences of exercise 3. Show me the sign "+” if you agree, and "-"  if   you disagree with the sentences.


4.  Заключна частина уроку

4.1. Home task

     -  Your hometask for the next lesson will be the story about the Winter

        house. And the additional task ( if you want 12) – exercise 5 on page  

        75. Write about your kitchen .

4.2. Marks

     - You all worked very well today. But some children were better than

         others. Your marks are…………..

4.3. Summarizing

      - Look at the blackboard. You can see the proverb :

         "There is no place like home”.

       How do you understand it? (Як ви розумієте це прислів’я?)

       Немає кращого місця, ніж вдома.

       В гостях добре, а вдома – краще.

      - Did you like our lesson?

      - Was it interesting for you?

      - Did you like the winter house?

      - So, our lesson is over. It’s time to say "Good Bye”. Let’s sing a song

        for our Winter  Princess!

 (Учні виконують пісню "We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”)


Дубовик Ю. П., учитель англійської мови, Солонянська школа №1 Дніпропетровської обл.



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