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План-конспект вiдкритого уроку у 3 класi.


Тема: Професii.


Мета: закріпити лексику з теми; активізувати читання, говорiння, аудiювання; виховувати позитивне ставлення до iноземної мови.


Обладнання: пiдручник "ENGLISH” для 3 класу В.М.Плахотника,кольоровi  картки з теми "Професiї”, карточки для парної роботи.


                                              Хiд роботи

1)Органiзацiйний момент.

    Good morning,pupils!We have many guests at our lesson.

    Let’s greet them.(Вiрш”Good morning”).Sit down,please.Get ready for  the English lesson.Show me your English books.Show me your English copybooks.Show me your vocabularies..Show me your daybooks.Show me your pens.Thanks,your are ready for the English lesson.Who is on duty today?Who is absent?The topic of our lesson is "Professions”.At the end of the lesson you must name the professions,speak about some of the professions,read the dialogue.


2)First we do warm-up.Look at the blackboard.Here is the tongue-twister about one of the professions and we repeat the sound[O]




Now listen to a small poem.


I like coffee,

I like tea.

I hate the dentist

And he hates me


Who can translate it? Do you know what does the dentist do?(treat our teeth)


3)You know a lot of professions.Look,I have some letters from different people.I want to read them and you will say what these people are.


1.I like children very much.I like to read books,to write on the blackboard too.What am I?(a teacher.)


2.I like children very much,but I do not like to write on the blackboard.I go to the hospital every day.What am I?(a doctor.)


3.I like cars and buses.I like to travel very much.I can drive a car,

a bus or a tram too.What am I?(a driver)


4.I like flowers and trees.Every day I go to the garden and water flowers there.What am I?(a gardener)


4)You are very good pupils.And now tell me,please,what other professions do you know?


Let’s make up "A MAP OF PROFESSIONS”




A  singer  a worker  a militiaman  a builder  an engineer


5)Are you tired?Have a rest.Who wants to be a trainer?


I can jump,jump,jump.

I can swim,swim,swim.

I can run,run run.

I can fly,fly,fly.


6)Let’s write something.Match the words with their definitions.

1.a singer                                      a)teaches pupils

2.a businessman                         b)makes cakes

3.a teacher                                   c)treats people

4.a doctor                                     d)sings songs

5.a builder                                    e)builds houses

6.a gardener                                 f)works in the field

7.a cook                                        g)drives cars

8.an engineer                              h)works at the office

9.a farmer                                    i)waters the flowers and trees

10.a driver                                   j)constructs machines




7)Now open your books on page 118 exercise 8.We’ll read the dialogue

about professions.Who wants?


                             WHAT AM I?

Pete:Can you guess,Ann,what I am?

Ann:Do you work at school?

Pete:No,Ann,I am not a teacher.

Ann:Do you work at the factory?

Pete:No,Ann,I am not worker.

Ann:Do you write books?

Pete:No, Ann,Iam not a writer.

Ann:Then what do you?

Pete:I plant flowers and trees.

Ann:Then you are a gardener.

Pete:Yes,Ann,I am a gardener.


8)After that we play a game.I’ll show you some pictures and ask questions.You must say "Yes,he is” or "No, he is not”


-Is he a teacher?Yes,he is.He is a teacher.


-Is he a driver?No, he is not.He is a militiaman.


Is he a tractor-driver?No,he is not.He is a doctor.


-Is he a cook?Yes,he is.He is a cook.


Is he an engineer?No,he is not.He is a builder.


-Is he a combine-operator?No,he is not.He is a tractor-driver.


-Is he a worker?No,he is not.He is a driver.


9)We have worked a lot.Now let’s sing a song”I’m a policeman”


               I’m a policeman dressed in blue.

               Here are some things I like to do.

              Direct the traffic in your town,

              Help to keep you safe and sound.


CHORUS:It’s my job and like it fine.

                No one has a better job than mine.


Home task: Make up a story about your family and tell what your parents are.


We have done much work today.I must say your are good pupils.Your marks are…The lesson is over.Good-bye.



Ярміш Надія Василівна,учитель іноземної мови, Червонозаводська школа № 2 Лохвицького району Полтавської обл.

За матеріалами: Освіта.ua

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