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Тема (за програмою): Школа. 
Підтема (тема уроку): Розклад уроків.
Тип: Урок засвоєння нових знань.
навчальна: повторити назви днів тижня (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday); ввести нові лексичні одиниці-назви шкільних предметів (English, Ukrainian, Russian, Maths, Reading, Sport, Music, Art, Handicrafts, Me and Ukraine ); практикувати вживання граматичної структури "to have got”; відпрацювати вимову звуків [ a:], [ æ ], [ju:], [ɜ:], [ θ ];
розвивальна: розвивати фонематичний слух, зорову та слухову пам’ять, увагу, мовленнєву реакцію;
виховна: виховувати бажання вивчати англійську мову, активно використовувати її як засіб спілкування, створити доброзичливу атмосферу на уроці;
формування компетенцій: формувати соціокультурну, лінгвістичну та загально навчальну компетенції.
Обладнання: дошка (дата, тема уроку, назви днів тижня, назви предметів ), підручник, зошит з друкованою основою до підручника Карп’юк О.Д., ноутбук презентація до уроку, запис пісень до уроку про дні тижня.

Хід уроку 

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного матеріалу
1. Greeting
T: Good morning!
Ps: Good morning!
T: Glad to see you!
Ps: Glad to see you, too!
T: Take your sits, please.
Ps: Thank you!
T: How are you?
Ps: We are fine!
2. Phonetic drill
Now we have a short phonetic drill. (Slide 1) Listen and repeat!
[ a:] farm, party, car, Art
[ æ ] fat, rabbit, Maths
[ju:] new, Music, computer, Tuesday
[ɜ:] bird, thirteen, birthday
[ θ ] thank, Thursday, think.

ІІ. Основна частина.
1. Check on homework, speaking
Let’s tell the rhyme
"Bow-wow”, says the dog,
"Mew-mew” says the cat,
"Grunt-grunt”, goes the hog,
And "squeak”, goes the rat.
"Tu-whoo”, says the owl,
"Caw-caw”, says the crow,
"Quack-quack”, says the duck,
And what cuckoos say you know.
Thank you, my dear. Very nice!
2. Aim, listening, speaking
The rhyme was about animals, domestic animals. We usually can see animals at the farm in the country in summer, during our summer holidays. When we get back to work, to school we need to know different things.
Let’s listen to the song and then say what do we need to know at the lesson?
Song "Today is Monday…” (Notebook, song).
So, what do we need to know at the lesson? Yes, days of the week. For going to school we should know our timetable, which is different in different days. For this we need to know school subjects.
• To learn and practice lexical material: days of the week, school subjects.
• To revise and practice grammar structure "have got”
• To know how to make the timetable.
3. Reading, listening
• Open the books at p. 51, ex. 2. Listen and read after me.
• Let’s read all together (days of the week).
• Vocabulary work. Open your books at page 52. Look at word "Wednesday”. Don’t forget to use preposition "on” before days of the week. For example, on Sunday, on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday…
• Let’s read and translate the sentences at page 52.
4. Presentation new lexical material. Listening, speaking
Look at the screen. Listen and repeat. (Notebook, presentation).
5. Writing, reading
Open your workbooks at page 35 exercise 1. Find and circle the words-school subjects.
Let’s check your answers, using the keys. (Notebook, presentation).
6. Physical warming up
Now we have some rest. Let’s stand up, sing the song and do the exercises. (Notebook, song).
7. Reading, listening
• Let’s read the text "Bill’s Timetable” in chain, one by one.
• Look at the text once more, with the help of it we can tell what subject on which day do we have? To tell it we use the structure "to have got”. For example: They have got Maths, English and Art on Monday.
• Let’s train. Use the words of exercise 4 at page 52.
• Answer my questions. What subjects do the have got on Monday\ Tuesday \ Wednesday\ Thursday \ Friday? On which day do they have Math, English and Art\ English, Reading and Sport\ English, Maths and Music\ Maths, English and Sport\ Maths, Reading and Music?
• Find the beginnings\ endings of the sentences.
8. Writing
Let’s make your own timetable. Open your workbooks at page 52 exercise 2. Which subjects do you have on Monday\ Tuesday \ Wednesday\ Thursday \ Friday? Write down, please.

III. Заключна частина
Today we learnt and practiced lexical material: days of the week, school subjects; we practiced grammar structure "have got”; we have known how to make the timetable.
Home assignment
Make a timetable. Write what subjects you have on Monday\ Tuesday \ Wednesday\ Thursday \ Friday.
Saying goodbye
The lesson is over! Stand up, please! Thank you for the lesson! Goodbye!

1. Англійська мова. Програма /рівень стандарту/ для учнів 2-12 класів середніх загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів.
2. Карп’юк О.Д. Англійська мова: підручник для 3-го класу загальноосвіт. навч. закл. – Т.: Лібра Терра, 2004.
3. Мясоєдова С.В. Англійська мова. 3 клас: Робочий зошит – Х.: Веста: Вид-во «Ранок», 2004. – 80 с.
4. http://www.wearebusybeavers.com/
5. http://www.dreamenglish.com/
6. http://images.yandex.ua/

Автор Осолодкова Ольга Миколаївна
Категорія: Уроки | Додав: osolodkova (04.12.2012) | Автор: Осолодкова Ольга Миколаївна E W
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