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Інсценізація твору "Ромео і Джульєтта"

фрагменту п’єси «Ромео і Джульєтта»
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Мета: створити умови для ознайомлення з творчістю великого поета, тренувати уміння виразного читання, розвивати комунікативні компетенції, виховувати любов до літератури країни мови, що вивчається; розвивати естетичний смак.

Characters (11)
Mr Capulet
Mrs Montague
Friar Lawrence
The man in black
The postman
The Prince of Verona
The scene
Афіша (Characters)
Verona, Italy –picture
Capulets’ house – picture
Party – picture, masks
Одруження – книга для священика
The Prince of Verona – підставка, молоток
Romeo’s house – малюнок «двері» + підпис «Romeo»
Газета «Juliet is dead»
Лист ченця до Ромео «Juliet is sleeping»
Три ножі (Тибальт, Ромео,Меркушіо)
Гроші (монетки) , пляшка з отрутою (рожева та чорна)

n/ Many years ago in Verona, Italy, there were two families.
Mr Capulet "We are the Capulets. Juliet is our daughter"
mrsMontague "We are the Montagues. Romeo is our son"
n/ These families are always fighting.
One night the Capulets have a party
Romeo I go to the party.
(He meets Juliet and they fall in love).
(Juliet's cousin, Tybalt, sees Romeo and is very angry).
Tybalt "He's a Montague! Get him!"
Juliet (DREAMING) "Oh Romeo, why are you a Montague?"
(Romeo comes)
Romeo I love you
Juliet me too
Romeo we can get married.
N They know that their families will be very angry so they go to Friar Lawrence and are married in secret.( Friar Lawrence marry them)
(The next day, Tybalt sees Romeo. He is still angry with Romeo and wants to fight him). Tybalt ‘’I will always fight you’’
Romeo “no, we shouldn’t”
Romeo doesn't want to fight but his best friend, Mercutio, does.
Mercutio "If you won't fight him, I will!"
(Mercutio fights Tybalt. Tybalt kills Mercutio! Romeo is so upset he fights Tybalt and kills him too!)
The Prince of Verona “You can’t stay in our town any more”
N The Prince of Verona is very angry and sends Romeo away.
N Juliet goes to Friar Lawrence for help.
Juliet Please, help.
Friar Lawrence "Here is a special drink. You will sleep for two days. Your family will think you are dead but you will wake up. Then you and Romeo can be free together."
(Friar Lawrence sends Romeo a letter to tell him the plan.)
Friar Lawrence (to the postman)”take it to Romeo”
the postman (the postman goes to the Romeo’s house but the door is closed)
N Romeo doesn't get the message. He hears that Juliet is dead!
(Romeo is reading newspaper)
N Romeo is so upset he buys some poison and goes to see Juliet.
The man in black (The man in black sells Romeo some poison)
Romeo "Now I will stay with you forever."(drinks poison)
N Too late, Juliet wakes up! She sees what happened.
Juliet "Oh no! You didn't leave any poison for me but here is your knife."
N Romeo and Juliet are both dead.
Friar Lawrence (tells the Capulets and Montagues what happened). “They couldn’t live together because you are always fighting. And now Romeo and Juliet are both dead”

Mr Capulet and mrs Montague (together) ”We won’t fight any more”.(they are shaking their hands)

Категорія: Гурткова робота | Додав: konsultant (12.02.2018) | Автор: Оксана Негодюк E
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