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Oh Sport! You’re the World!
Oh Sport! You’re the World! 

A sporting festival, dedicated to the fulfillment of the city program of consolidation the efforts of educational specialists, family, community according the improvements of comprehensive education and training of the youth in Odessa.

Objective: to cultivate in the willing of physical trainings; to promote a person’s harmonious development; to develop physical skills and abilities; to cultivate the feeling of solidarity, mutual aid, collectivism, to increase teachers’, parents’ and pupils’ culture.

Equipment: a tape-recorder, dibs, hockey-sticks, pucks, the ABC, tunnels, different goats, proverbs about health, letters, dip-buckets, badminton rackets,
small balls, big balls (65).

Staff of the teams: 11 persons from different schools.
Names of the teams:
11th form – "Olympian”
Parents – "Olympics”
Teachers – "Olympionics”

Goddess of sport – teacher of the physical culture
Assistants – Dipsy and Winky
Presenters – pupils of the 11th form


The school gym is decorated with posters and balloons of different colours. Parents, pupils of different forms and schools, members of the administration, teachers from various schools and guests are present.

Presenter Yura:
Oh sport! You’re the world!
You adjust good, kind, friendly relations
among peoples.
You draw together those who wish unity.
You’re the harmony.
You teach the youth to respect each other.
You’re the source of noble, peace and friendly
You muster a young, a parent, a teacher –
Our future and hope - under the banner of the peace!
Oh sport! You’re the world!

Salutation of the teams

Names of teams, emblems, appearances, mottoes are evaluated.

Presenter Anna:
Let me introduce our jury.
Although they are serious,
But with a smile and a voice
They always cheer us up.

Grand opening of the festival
the performance of pupils of the 8th form "Magical Flower”

To start the competition the teams need to give the answers to these riddles:
Pupils – On blue paths the struggle goes on,
Who will be the quickest? Water responds. (Swimming)
Parents – This game is known as Game of Kings,
Where balls hit courts’ grounds. (Tennis)
Teachers – It started in Greece, feasted one's eyes with body’s beauty,
Forever will be honoured the health, the struggling spirit and the strength. (Gymnastics)

Presenter Yura:

Oh sport! You’re the challenge!
You desire the fight!
All might of our thews is concentrated
In one explosive word – the Sport!

Contest 1: "Mailman”

A participant needs to run up to dibs, in turns to take a letter and to make up words: for parents "Healthy child!”, for teachers "Healthy nation!”, to pupils "Health to all!”. Then one needs to run round the dibs and to pass on the baton to the next participant.
Victory – 3 points, draw game – 2 points, loss – 1 point.

Presenter Anna:

Oh Sport! You’re the architect!
You’re the master of harmony,
You make us fit, strong and deft,
You’re the peculiar and
Extraordinary architect,
You’re the fabric of a man in motion.
That exists. The eternal motion is the Sport!

Contest 2: "Tunnel”

A participant needs to squeeze through the tunnel, to run round the dibs, on the way back to squeeze through the tunnel one more time and to pass on the baton to the next participant.
Victory – 3 points, draw game – 2 points, loss – 1 point.

Presenter Yura:

Oh sport! You’re the equity!
You point out clear, fair ways
For people seeking to the aims
In their lives.
You teaches, that the principles of games
Are imperative.

Contest 3: "Find the kinder-surprise”

A participant needs to run 5-10-metre distance where a bucket is situated. Inside the bucket there are different groats – millet, peas, corn, etc. In the groats there are proverbs about health. One needs to find any and read aloud, in turns to run around the dibs and to pass on the baton to the next participant.
Victory – 3 points, draw game – 2 points, loss – 1 point.

Dear judges, your speech is ponderable. Don’t grudge for points, give more points to the participants! Have the floor!

Musical pause

Contest 4: "Acrobats- dodgers”

A participant needs to carry badminton rackets with small balls on them, to move quickly to the dibs, to run them around and to pass on the baton to the next participant.
Victory – 3 points, draw game – 2 points, loss – 1 point.

Presenter Anna:

Oh sport! You’re the joy!
You organize the events for those
who need some struggle.
And for them you’re the triumph.
You heat the blood and make the heart beat faster.
It is so gaily and so gratifying to take up your call.

Contest 5: "Ice-hockey players”

A participant needs to direct a puck with the help of a hockey-stick, to run around the dibs and to pass on the baton to the next participant.
Victory – 3 points, draw game – 2 points, loss – 1 point.

Musical pause

Contest 6: "Rodeo”

A participant needs to sit on a bag ball, to clutch the ball with the knees and to jump ahead in such a way holding the ears of the ball. Then one has to run back and to pass on the baton to the next participant.
Victory – 3 points, draw game – 2 points, loss – 1 point.

Dear judges, your speech is ponderable. Don’t grudge for points, give more points to the participants! Have the floor!

Presenter Yura:

Oh sport! You’re the nobility!
You’re perfect. You demand high spirits,
Justice and integrity.
You build stadiums as theatres without curtains.
Once you inscribed the tablet: "The victory gained in noble fair way is thrice more honeyed”.

The sport quiz "Know-all”

And now it is the time for teams to show the knowledge of the sport and of the world!
(one correct answer – 1 point)
1. In what country were the Olympic Games arisen?
A Greece
B France
C India
2. The Olympic Games were taking place in … .
A Olympia
B Egypt
C Athens
3. The symbol of the Ancient Olympic Games was - … .
A the statue of Zeus
B the dove of peace
C the diadem of olive-tree’s twigs
4. How does the Olympic Flag look like and when was it first hoisted?
A 1924, Paris
B 1914, Paris
C 1954, Rome
5. How many times was the Ukrainian Flag risen during the Olympic Games in Peking?
A 57 times
B 33 times
C 27 times
6. What was the mascot of the Ukrainian combined team in Peking?
A crane
B gosling
C toad
7. Who won the first Olympic medal for the independent Ukraine and in what kind of sport? (figure skating)
A Sergei Boobka
B Oksana Baul
C Oleksey Mikchailichenko
8. Who is called "a golden fish” in the world?
A Volodimir Klichko
B Olga Korobka
C Yana Klochkova
9. What is the Olympic symbol of the Olympic Games?
Five twisted rings symbolize the unity of five continents: blue (Europe), yellow (Asia), black (Africa), green (Australia), red (America).

Dear judges, your speech is ponderable. Don’t grudge for points, give more points to the participants! Have the floor!

Musical pause

Contest 7: "Oh sport! You’re the world!”

A participant needs to run to the ABC, to pick one letter and in turns to make up the phrase "Oh Sport! You’re the world!”. The last participant needs to carry it to his team and to stay nearby.
Victory – 3 points, draw game – 2 points, loss – 1 point.

Presenter Anna:

Oh Sport! You’re the delight!
You’re the true and unfailing partner.
You’re immortal. You live today.
You hand down the legacy from ancestry.
Centuries last. The life is feasting.
And you live beyond the control of time –

Presenter Yura:

Our competitions were a success,
All reached the final lap by right.
Praiseworthy children, teachers, parents –
And prizes we’re ready to entrust!

Dear judges, your speech is ponderable. Don’t grudge for points, give more points to the participants! Have the floor!

The jury announces the results of the festival. The teams are rewarded with the goblet of Nika, certificates of various degrees and prizes.



Bezuglova K.N.
teacher of English
Odessa Lyceum "Primorsky”

Kuzmenkova O.D.
teacker of Physical culture
highest category , teacher-metodist
Odessa Lyceum "Primorsky”
Категорія: Загальношкільні заходи | Додав: (22.08.2012) | Автор: Кузменкова Ольга Данилівна E
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