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Food and Drink



Урок-презентація у 4 класі

Вчитель: Фролова Ольга Олександрівна, Донецька ЗОШ № 89.

Тема: "Food and Drink”

Задачі уроку:
• актуалізація та закріплення лексики з теми «Їжа та напої»;
• розвиток навичок непідготовленого мовлення;
• повторення граматичних часів Present Simple та Past Simple;
• повторення some/any, артиклів a/an, how many/how much;
• розвиток комунікативних здібностей, вміння співпрацювати, логічно викладати свою думку, робити висновки;
• формування мотивації до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання: презентація, картки із завданнями.
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I. Організаційний момент

The pupils are taking their seats at their desks.
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls!
Pupils: Good morning, teacher!

ІІ. Фонетична розминка

Teacher: Repeat after me the following sentences. Try to speak as fast as possible, but mind your pronunciation. Let`s start:
1) The two-twenty-two train tore through the tunnel.
2) Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.
3) Black bug bit a big black bear.
4) Six silver swans swam silently seaward.

Учні повторюють скоромовки за вчителем.

IIІ. Мовленнєва зарядка

Teacher: Well, my friends, I want to draw your attention to the blackboard. Here we see a fantastic tree. What kind of fruit grow in this tree? (слайд 1)
Pupils: apples, oranges, plumps, pears.

Teacher: Good of you! And now imagine that you are going to prepare soup. Which vegetables do we put when we cook soup? Look at the blackboard. (слайд 2)
Pupils: Potatoes, onion, carrot, cabbage.

Teacher: Right you are! And what do we need to make a cheese sandwich? (слайд 3)
Pupils: Bread, meat and cheese.

Teacher: Well done! Name soft drinks (слайд 4)
Pupils: Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Fanta, Sprite.

Teacher: Brilliant! I wonder if you know any names of berries (слайд 5)
Pupils: strawberry, cherry.

IV. Аудіювання

Teacher: You will hear a short funny story, which happened some years ago in England. But first, let’s look at the blackboard and copy the words in your vocabulary books. (слайд 6)
Учні переписують з дошки слова у словники. Потім хором повторюють ці слова за вчителем.

Teacher: Your attention, please. Listen to the story twice and then you’ll translate it one by one.

Jack was a young sailor. He lived in England, but he was often away with his ship. One summer he came back from a long voyage and found new neighbours near his mother’s house. They had a pretty daughter and Jack soon loved her very much.
He said to her, "My next voyage will begin in a few days’ time, Gloria. I love you, and I’ll marry you when I come back. I’ll think about you all the time and I’ll write to you and send you a present from every port.”
Jack’s first port was Freetown in Africa, and he sent Gloria a parrot from there. It spoke five languages.
When Jack’s ship reached Australia, there was a letter from Gloria. It said, "Thank you for the parrot, Jack. It tasted much better than a chicken.

Teacher: Now which of the following sentences are true and which are false.
Teacher: Jack was a fisherman.
Pupils: False
Teacher: Jack and his mother lived in England.
Pupils: True
Teacher: Jack met a pretty neighbour’s daughter.
Pupils: True.
Teacher: He wanted to marry her.
Pupils: True.
Teacher: Jack sent Gloria a dog, which spoke five languages
Pupils: False
Teacher: Gloria cooked parrot for dinner.
Pupils: True

Teacher: All right, now try to answer these questions. (слайд 7) Why did Jack make long voyages?
Pupils: Because Jack was a sailor.
Teacher: Where did Gloria live?
Pupils: She lived near Jack’s mother’s house.
Teacher: Why did Jack think about Gloria all the time?
Pupils: Because he loved Gloria.
Teacher: Where did Jack send Gloria the parrot from?
Pupils: Jack sent Gloria a parrot from port in Africa.
Teacher: Where did Jack get Gloria’s letter about the parrot?
Pupils: Jack got Gloria’s letter in Australia.
Teacher: What did Gloria do tо the parrot?
Pupils: She cooked it.

V. Динамічна пауза (аеробіка)

Teacher: Let`s have a little fun. Repeat after me some exercises. Stand up, please. Are you ready? Let`s go:
Hands on your hips,
Hands on your knees,
Put them behind you, if you please.
Touch your shoulders,
Touch your nose,
Touch your ears,
Touch your toes.

Учні повторюють за вчителем рухи та слова.

VI. Письмо

Teacher: Ok, now let’s write a story. You will put one word in each empty place.
Вчитель роздає учням картки з історією, де пропущено кілька слів. Нижче подано слова, які треба вставити в текст за змістом. Потім завдання перевіряється. Учні зачитують свої речення.
Freetown is a …… in West Africa. Jack and another ……. From his ship went into a shop there and saw a beautiful bird. It was red and grey ………., and it …. "Hello,” to them. Jack said to his friend, "I’m going to …… it to Gloria. She’s the daughter of my mother’s ……………It will be a nice ……... for her’. Then Jack and his friend ……. a restaurant and ate ….. and fried potatoes there. They ….. very good.
(neighbour, sailor, port, send, present, chicken, said, parrot, tasted, went to)

VІI. Лексичні ігри

Teacher: Look at the blackboard. Here we have the names of fruit and vegetables. I want you to put the words into two lists. (слайд 8)
Учні заповнюють таблицю, по-черзі називаючи слова.

Teacher: Well done! The next game. At the blackboard you see the names of some drinks with mixed letters. What are they? (слайд 9)
1. eta
2. klim
3. fecofe
4. rituf eciju
5. nilemar retaw
Учні називають по буквах слова та записують їх у зошити.

Teacher: Good! Now, look at these sentences. Each sentence has a mistake. Find it and correct it. (слайд 10)
1. I don’t like an ice-cream.
2. Can I have a bread, please?
3. I’m hungry. Here is some sandwich.
4. How much eggs do you want?
Учні знаходять помилки в реченнях на дошці та виправляють їх, кажучи правильний варіант.

Teacher: Right you are! Look at the word search at the blackboard. There are eighteen words connected with food and drink. They go across and down Find them here. The words begin with these letters. (слайд 11)
M __________________ C __________________ T ____________________
G __________________ P __________________ M ____________________
F __________________ S ___________________ C ____________________
P __________________ O __________________ B ___________________
T __________________ E ___________________ R____________________
H __________________R ___________________ O ____________________

Учні знаходять слова та записують їх у зошити.

Teacher: Now, let’s work in pairs. Find out about your partner’s eating habits and then give your partner advice.
Pupil 1 Pupil 2
Food: fruit and fruit juice Food: burgers at MC Donald, coke, chips,
vegetables (especially carrots), fish chocolate, fruit (seldom)

Problem: no time to do sport, can’t sleep at night (tired) Problems: no time to cook at home, problems with teeth
Advice: eat more fruit Advice: buy sugar-free chewing gum
stop eating sweets and chocolate do more exercise
Учні отримують картки та парами працюють з ними. Потім кожен з них розповідає про свого партнера у 3 особі однини в Present Simple Tense. Наприклад: My friend likes fruit. His favourite fruit is an orange. He eats them every day. For lunch he likes fish with stewed carrots. He has no time for sport. And he can’t sleep at night. I gave him a piece of advice to do more exercise.

VIII. Підбиття підсумків уроку

Teacher: Well, it was my pleasure to work with you today. And your home task for the next class will be to read and translate the text "Meals in Britain”. You are going to know about what British people eat and when. This is all for today. Thank you, my dear friends and good-bye.


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Категорія: Англійська мова | Додав: Natali (02.04.2011) | Автор: Фролова Ольга Олександрівна
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