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Підсумковий урок у 5 класі з теми "Food and drinks"

Lesson 33 5th form Date _23.11_
Тема: Підсумковий урок з теми №3 «Food and Drinks»
навчальна: повторити лексичні одиниці з теми (назви продуктів харчування, улюблених страв); описувати свої улюблені страви та надавати інформацію про спосіб їхнього приготування; закріпити знання про традиційні страви у Великій Британії; закріпити навички вживання граматичного матеріалу з теми (much/many, some/any with uncountable/countable nouns);
розвивальна: розвивати фонематичний слух, навички аудіювання, увагу, оперативну та довготривалу пам’ять;
виховна: виховувати ввічливість у спілкуванні;
формувати інформаційно-цифрову компетентність (вивчення мови з використанням ІКТ), уміння вчитися впродовж життя (сміливість у використанні іноземної мови, наполегливість, внутрішню мотивацію та впевненість в успіху); комунікативну компетентність.
Тип уроку: систематизації та застосування знань.
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, зошит з друкованою основою, словник, дошка (дата, тема, епіграф, наочність за темою), комп’ютер (запис пісні для фонетичної розминки, фізхвилинки, запис діалогу для аудіювання, презентація до уроку), роздруковки тексту для роботи в групах, назви груп, на які розділено учнів згідно з вибраним на попередньому уроці домашнім завданням, картки для індивідуальної роботи (аудіювання, рефлексії уроку, самооцінювання за темою), магнітна дошка, магніти, маркер.

Перебіг уроку
І. Організаційна частина уроку. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.
1. Greeting (Slide 1)
T: Good morning dear pupils and guests. Nice to meet you today! How are you today?
2. Aim and Motivation
T: Today we’ll sum up our knowledge on the topic “Food and Drinks”, improve our speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. (Slide 2)
Let’s look at the plan of our today’s lesson.
For breakfast, we will have riddles and the song about food.
For brunch, I suggest you to listen to the situation “At the café”.
For lunch, you will read the text about traditional English meals.
Then a short physical warming up will give us some energy to continue the work.
At “five o’clock table”, you will speak: at first present your home tasks “The recipe of my favourite dish” then work in pairs with the dialogues.
For dinner, we can work with grammar. So, let’s start!
3. Phonetic drill
a) Riddles on the topic for pupils.
T: It is breakfast time. Let’s try to solve the riddle.
• They do not eat me alone, but cannot eat without me. What am I? (Salt.)
• I am white. I am good to drink. What am I? (Milk)
• I am yellow, I am made from milk, you eat me with bread. (Butter.)
• Clean, but not water, white, but not snow, sweet, but not an ice-cream. What is it? (Sugar.)
• What is white outside and yellow inside? (An egg.)
T: Well done!
b) Singing the song “Lasagna milkshake” (Slide 3)
T: Now let’s sing the song “Lasagna milkshake”.
ІI. Основна частина уроку.
1. Listening skills practice: Ordering food in a café
T: It is brunch time. We have listening comprehension. Please, open your workbooks and find the pre-listening task.

a) Pre-listening task.
T: Do this exercise before you listen. Write the words in the correct group. You may start.

Banana cake Cola Ice cream Water Apple tart Apple juice Four cheeses pizza Cheese burger Chicken curry and rice Orange juice Chocolate cake
Seafood salad with bread

Main courses Desserts Drinks

T: Let’s check the task. Group main courses read the names of main courses and so on.

b) While listening task (Slide 4)
T: The next exercise we will do while listening. Circle the best answer to complete these sentences. So, let’s listen to the text.
1. For his main course, Andi chooses a normal cheeseburger / a double cheeseburger / a burger with chips.
2. For dessert, Andi chooses ice cream / chocolate cake / banana cake.
3. To drink, Andi chooses apple juice / fizzy water / still water.
T: Let’s check the task. Look at the screen and correct your answers if you need. (Pupil’s work)

T: Now you listen to the text the second time and do the next task. (Slide 5) Write number 1-5 to put the questions in the order you hear them.

c) Check your understanding: ordering
Write a number (1-5) to put the questions in the order you hear them.
…………. Anything else?
…………. A cheeseburger or double cheeseburger?
…………. What would you like?
…………. Would you like a drink?
…………. What’s your table number?
T: The keys are at the screen. (Slide 6) Check your answers, please. You can put 3 points if you have no mistakes. If you have a mistake, you get 2 points. If there are two mistakes in your answers, you should put 1 point. And if there are more than two mistakes you get 0.

2. Reading/Work in groups.
T: It is the time for lunch. You have got the texts at your desks about traditional English meals. We will work in groups. Read the text, please, and complete with the necessary words from the plate. So, you may start. (Pupils works in groups)

a) Complete the text with the words from the plate on the table.

packed lunch, chips, roll, lemonade, tea, meals, chicken, lunch, marmalade, milk, cup, plate, breakfast, eggs, dinner

English Meals
English people usually have four (1)__________during the day: breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner or supper. At about 8 o’clock in the morning people have (2)________. They eat porridge or cornflakes with (3)_______ or sugar, fried or boiled (4)______with bacon, bread and butter or toast with (5)________, or jam and a (6)_________ of tea. At 11 o’clock the English have (7)_______ . They like to eat fish and (8) _____, potatoes, beans, carrots, cabbage or peas. People usually drink tea, coffee, juice or (9)______. Schoolchildren have their lunch in the school canteen. Some children bring their (10)______with sandwiches and fruit. At about 5 o’clock the English have (11) _______ with milk, a cake or a (12)______ with jam. The English have the evening meal, (13)_______ or supper, at 7 o’clock. People usually have a (14)______ of soup, meat or (15)______with vegetables, cheese, ice cream or an apple pie.

T: Let’s read the text and check answers. Who will read from your group? (Every group reads the part of the text and the pupils check the task). (Slide 7)

T: Now let’s do the post-reading task. Read the sentence. Agree or disagree. Correct the sentence and pass your turn.
b) Agree or disagree.
1. English people usually have three meals during the day.
2. People have breakfast at about 9 o’clock.
3. Many people have lunch at 12 o’clock.
4. Schoolchildren have their lunch at home.
5. Schoolchildren don’t bring their packed lunch to school.
6. English people usually have a plate of soup, meat or chicken with vegetables, cheese, ice cream or an apple pie in the evening.
T: Very good. Put the mark for this task into your workbooks. If you have no mistakes, you get 2 points. If there is a mistake, you put 1 point. If there are two or more mistakes, you get 0.

3. Physical warming up
T: (Slide 8) I think you are tired. That’s why this is the time for having fun and singing. Let’s stand up. (One of the pupils shows the movement and all the rest do the same and sing the song “Happy fruits”). Ok. Let’s continue our lesson.

4. Speaking/Check on homework
a) Monologues “My favourite dish”. (Slide 9)
T: According to the plan of our lesson, it’s time for “5 o’clock tea”. So, as you remember it’s time for presenting the recipes of your favourite dishes. I think the group “Main courses” will start. Then we listen to group “Desserts” and “Drinks” be the third. Don’t forget to you a mark for the recipe. You can add two (one) points to your mark.

b) Complete the dialogues with some or any and act them out in pairs
T: Complete the dialogues with some or any and act them out in pairs.
Variant 1
Oliver: Let’s have a lunch.
Hannah: Good idea. Are there ________ pizzas in the fridge?
Oliver: No, there aren’t.
Hannah: What have we got?
Oliver: There’s ________ cheese. And there’s _______ ham.
Hannah: Is there ________ butter?
Oliver: Yes, there is.
Hannah: OK. Let’s have ham and cheese sandwiches.
Oliver: Ah. There’s a problem.
Hannah: What is it?
Oliver: We haven’t got _________ bread.

Variant 2
Hannah: Is there _________ pasta?
Oliver: Yes, there is.
Hannah: Let’s make ________ tomato sauce for the pasta.
Oliver: We haven’t got _________ tomatoes.
Hannah: Are there ________ mushrooms?
Oliver: No, there aren’t. But there’s ________ money on the table.
Hannah: What for?
Oliver: Let’s go out and buy ________ chips!

Variant 3
Ann: Is there _______ coffee?
Tim: No, there isn’t _______ coffee , but there is some tea.
Ann: No, thanks. Is there _______ hot chocolate?
Tim: Yes, there is. And there is _______ toast.
Ann: Good. And is there _______ ham?
Tim: No, there isn’t any ham, but there is ________ cheese.
Ann: Can I have a hot chocolate and ________ toast and cheese, please?
Tim: OK, there’s _______ bread on the table. Just help yourself!

T: Well done! Put the mark for this task into your workbooks. If you have no mistakes, you get 2 points. If there is a mistake, you put 1 point. If there are two or more mistakes, you get 0.

5. Writing/ Grammar
T: Now it is the time for dinner. And I suggest you to revise some grammar. Let’s choose the right variant some, a or any. You have a minute.
a) Choose the right variant some, a or any.
1. There is_____ jam in the jar.
Some any a
2. There is ______ lemon in the fridge.
Some any a
3. Are there ______ potatoes in the basket?
Some any a
4. Is there _______ cheese on the plate?
Some any a
5. There isn’t _____bread on the table.
Some any a

T: And now I will ask you to fill in the gaps with much or many.
b) Fill in the gaps with much or many
1. There aren’t _______ lemons on the plate.
2. Are there ________ eggs in the fridge?
3. There isn’t ______ tea in the cups.
4. Is there _________ water in the jug?
5. There aren’t ________ tomatoes in the fridge.
6. There isn’t ________ Coke in the bottle.
T: And now, you can see the right variant on the screen. (Slide 10) Check your answers, please.
You can put 3 points if you have no mistakes. If you have a mistake, you get 2 points. If there are two mistakes in your answers, you should put 1 point. And if there are more than two mistakes you get 0.

ІІІ. Заключна частину уроку
1. Home assignment (Slide 11) Workbook ex. 19, p.46 (Read and complete the sentences with the correct item).
T: Your home assignment is to read and complete the sentences as we have done in the class.

2. Self-assessment (Slide 12)
Think of your records. Tick how well you know it.
4- very well, 3 –OK, 2-a little, 1 – need to improve
Now I can 4 3 2 1
Listening Understand the necessary information □ □ □ □
Reading Read and understand the necessary information □ □ □ □
Speaking Ask, answer and speak about food and drinks □ □ □ □
Writing Use grammar material (much/many, some/any with uncountable/countable nouns) for writing letters and so on. □ □ □ □

3. Summarizing (Slide 13)
T: Every one of you has a mark for the lesson you can count it and say it to us. What is your mark Vova? (Pupil’s answers/ teacher comments the marks.)

T: Answer the questions. Do you like fast food? Why or why not? What’s your favourite restaurant? What food and drink do you like to have there? What do you like to eat for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? Thanks for your answers.
T: Now, I see that you know a lot of interesting about food. Thank you for being active at the lesson. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view.

3. Saying goodbye
T: The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Епіграф https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XBYu7cEbMMMgUj2wgHGIKfQYepFiLdNd

Listening for the lesson https://drive.google.com/open?id=1w9CPeHZuRxmU1Soj8PL8A-8qxcsoYIbm

Cards for the pupils
Variant 1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bkhD5N695i3xcM9uvsxzlBMACjkoeNQV
Variant 2 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oUSXGcXSDENUHOok2i6J--BtGpY3Qq_7
Variant 3 https://drive.google.com/open?id=15JY7a3zaZnLnX-ibk-EQjW-cpi59g43T


Presentation for the lesson

Song for the warming up

Song for the phisical warming up

Категорія: Англійська мова | Додав: olgaosolodkova (14.12.2017) | Автор: Осолодкова Ольга Миколаївна E W
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