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Подорож до Лондона Travelling to London
4 клас

Тема: London. Travelling to London.
• узагальнити й систематизувати лексико-граматичний матеріал за темою "Лондон”;
• розвивати навички аудіювання, читання, уснoго мовлення; розвивати увагу та пам’ять;
• активізувати мовлення учнів;
• поглибити знання учнів про визначні місця Лондона;
• розширити кругозір учнів;
• перевірити вміння утворювати Present Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple;
• зацікавити у подальшому вивченні англійської мови;
• виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу до культури країни мову якої вивчають.

Обладнання: презентація в Power Point, дидактичні картки для парної та групової роботи,
відео "Bus Tour”, тексти-листи, звукозапис пісні.

Хід уроку 

I. Організаційний момент.
Організація класу.
Пред’явлення теми і мети уроку.
I’m glad to see you. I hope you like to travel.
Today we’ll continue our talking about London.

II. Мовленнєва зарядка
1. Talking
At first tell me what LONDON is for you? Say some words about London.

2. Phonetic drills.
It is very important not only to know a lot of things, but also to speak right.
Let’s work with the words. Listen and repeat:

[ α :] [ ei ]
Raven – shaven
Castle – muscle
[ au ] [ Λ ]
Tower – flower Buckingham
Town – brown London

III. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Your home-task for today was to tell about different places of interest. You worked in groups. Now, let’s check.
1st group London Eye
2nd group Buckingham Palace
3rd group Tower
4th group Big Ben and Houses of Parliament

IV. Основна частина уроку
Watching a video "Bus Tour”
So today we’ll continue our sightseeing tour around London.
Watch and try to remember new places of interest.

I Group- work.
Match 2 parts (the place and the meaning).

The London Eye is a big department store.
Hamleys … are very busy.
Harrods is a big wheel.
Oxford Street and Piccadilly Circus is a toy shop.
The Prime Minister and the government work in the Houses of Parliament
That’s Tower Bridge. It’s next to the Tower of London.
monument in Trafalgar Square. Nelson’s Column is a famous

Let’s check ( slides).

II. Pair work.

As you know there are many shops in London. Imagine that you are in the clothes shop.
Let’s buy something. Complete the dialogue.


Shop assistant: Can I help you?
Customer: Yes, please, I’m looking for _____________.

Shop assistant: What size?
Customer: _____________, please. 25 £

Shop assistant: What colour?
Customer: ________________.
Shop assistant: What about this one?

Customer: How much is it?
Shop assistant: ________________.

Customer: Can I try it on?
Shop assistant: Certainly. The changing room is over
There. 15 £

Customer: Okay, I’ll take it.
Shop assistant: Anything else?
Customer: _________________.


Sing the song "London bridge is Falling Down”

III. Reading

A letter from a raven.
As you know there is much to see in London. I’ve got a letter from a raven, who lives in the Tower. Do you remember what "raven” means?
Let’s read this letter, but at first looked the slide and repeat after me:
 Special
 Londoners
 Tower
 Legend
 Guard
 Explain
 Raven

Hello, my friends!

My name is Thor and I am a big black raven.
I am 15 years old and I’m one of the oldest ravens who live here. I have a big raven-family of 9 birds. My brother is older than me, he is 18. And the youngest raven is 1 year old, it’s my son.
Well, I like the Tower very much, because I feel comfortable here. A special man feeds us every day. I can’t fly away from the Tower, because my wings are cut, but I don’t want to do it. My father told me a legend to explain why the Londoners take care of the ravens. They think, that the Tower of London and the Great Britain will be until the ravens live in the Tower. If we fly away, then the Tower will fall. Do you think it’s true? I don’t. But I like to live here, so it’s OK if they think that the legend is true.
Did you see these funny men in red clothes? They are the Beefeaters. Nobody knows why they got this name, but it’s funny too. They are the guards of the Tower of London.
Oh, a man brought my dinner. I have to go!

Comprehension. True or False. Correct if it’s false.

 Thor is a raven who lives in the Tower of London.
 He lives there alone; he is the only raven in the Tower.
 He doesn’t like the Tower and the Londoners.
 He doesn’t know why the Londoners take care of the ravens.
 The guards of the Tower wear black clothes.

VI. Grammar
If you want to travel to see different places you have to know not only English words, but also English grammar. Here some sentences to practice English grammar.
Open the brackets. Put the verbs in Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Future Simple.

 British people ( to drink) tea every morning.
 We (to write) an exercise now.
 Ann ( to send) a letter to her pen-pal tomorrow.
 My friends ( to go) to the Zoo yesterday.

Change the copy-books with your neighbours and check ( slide).
Read and say what tense is it.

Our travelling is finished now. Have you enjoyed it?

IV. Home-task
 Compare London and Kyiv.
 Complete the table and write some sentences about places of interest in
Kyiv and London.

V. Підсумок уроку.
You’ve worked very well today. Your marks…
The lesson is over. Have a nice day!

Джерело: http://docme.ru/aIy
Категорія: Англійська мова | Додав: OlenSh (04.04.2013) | Автор: Шпак Олена Анатоліївна E
Переглядів: 7482 | Коментарі: 1 | Рейтинг: 4.0/4
Всього коментарів: 1

Добавил: irinar

Thank you!
Дата публикации: 15.04.2013 в 20:23 Спам[Материал]




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